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Our mission is to inspire the next generation of design engineers.

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少数派 - 高效工作,品质生活:2021-6-12 · <strong>We're sorry but sspai doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.</strong>

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Can you skewer a balloon without popping it? Or make raisins dance? Dyson engineers have designed these STEM challenges to encourage inquisitive young minds to get excited about engineering.
Discover Challenge Cards
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少数派 - 高效工作,品质生活:2021-6-12 · <strong>We're sorry but sspai doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.</strong>

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Do you have an idea that solves a problem? The James Dyson Award runs annually in 27 countries and could help launch your invention on a global scale.